
Studio O+A 的联合创始人Primo Orpilla 和Verda Alexander 曾为一些世界上最大的科技公司打造最具突破性的办公室设计。Studio O+A 的总部设在加利福尼亚州旧金山,设计手法颇具创新性。他们以重新审视工作环境对工作的影响而出名,但目前他们的影响力不仅仅限于物理空间设计。Studio O+A因Palo Alto Facebook总部的设计赢得了2010年国际室内设计协会北加州荣誉奖。同时,Contract 杂志将这两位评为2011年年度最佳设计师。最近,Modelo有机会进一步了解Orpilla和Alexander的设计理念和手法。

Co-Founders Primo Orpilla & Verda Alexander of Studio O+A have created some of the most ground-breaking offices for some of the world’s largest technology companies. The duo is based in San Fransisco, CA and brings an innovative approach to design. They made their name rethinking the impact workspace has on work, but today their reach extends beyond the physical environment. Studio O+A received the International Interior Design Association’s 2010 Northern California Honor Award for the Facebook Headquarters in Palo Alto, CA. And, Contract Magazine named the duo Designers of the Year in 2011. Recently, Modelo had the opportunity to learn more about Orpilla and Alexander’s philosophies and approach to design.


On becoming designers


Verda: Primo and I go way way back. We started the program in 1991 so it’s almost 25 years old. Before that we were in college together. I got a degree in fine art and Primo was in a separate program and discovered Interior Design by coming to Art openings through my art program. We had always talked about starting a business. We had this entrepreneurial mindset and that was the attraction we had for each other. He ended up studying interior design and I went on to landscape architecture and public art. I was in the middle of starting at a landscape architecture practice and Primo after having worked five years in interior design decided he wanted to go off on his own and asked me if I would join him. I did of course and here we are today.

Primo: 从学校毕业以后,我在加州Sunnyvale的一家公司实习,所以我从上世纪80年代末90年代初就开始在硅谷工作了。我从那时开始大量学习设施布局规划,以及如何改变设备的大小符合公司的使用。在我初期的工作中,设计并没有占很大的比重,更多地是学习如何利用空间。和大公司的设备管理经理合作,你需要做的是空间的管理规划,让设备有足够的空间摆放,并了解它们是如何运行的。在硅谷,一般我们所面临的客户都是大企业抑或由于空间无法满足需求而扩张或整个公司选址迁移到新的空间。这就是我在硅谷早期的工作,差不多有6年之久,就在这个时候,我决定和Verda成立自己的公司,这就是O+A的开始。


Uber Office (Photography by Jasper Sanidad courtesy of Studio O+A)

Primo: After school I interned at a firm in Sunnyvale, California so I got my start in the late 80s early 90s in Silicon Valley. I learned a lot about facility planning and scaling facilities for company use then. Design wasn’t as much a part of my earlier career as was learning how to utilize space. Working with facility managers with large companies, what you’re trying to do is manage the space and help them grow into their space so we got a really good foothold and understanding of how facilities work. Being in Silicon Valley it was more or less large corporate entities who were trying to grow into space or grow out of space or pick up new space and fit it out. That was my early career which I did for around six or so years in the Valley and that’s when I decided to break off on my own with Verda and that’s when we started O+A.


On their approach to workplace design

Verda: 我们是在硅谷开始设计实践的,所以我们最早期的客户都是科技公司。在那个时候,还没有网络和云计算公司,而是硬件和软件公司。我们有很多制造路由器的客户,大多时候我们是和工程师合作,设置洁净房和sim房,我感觉我从景观建筑里学到的对空间的注重,以及空间是如何组织的,结构和材料是如何被使用的。我们十分热爱办公空间这一概念。同一时期,在一个会议中诞生了“altoffice”这个词——代替性办公。我们对这一概念很感兴趣——办公室的概念不仅仅限于一个个隔间而已,它可以为人们创造更好的环境。我们就这样爱上了这一发现,并为之工作到现在。 

Verda: We started in the Silicon Valley so our very first clients were technology clients. Back then it wasn’t internet and cloud companies it was hardware and software firms. We had clients building router boxes and a lot of experience working with engineers and setting up clean rooms and sim rooms and the thing that I felt like I brought from landscape architecture was this focus on space and how space comes together and how texture and materials are used. We really love what we’ve fallen into in terms of workspace. Right around that time there was this conference that blew up called altoffice — alternative officing. We were really intrigued by this idea of pushing the concept of the office beyond cubicles and how could it be a better environment for people. We just fell in love with that investigation and that is what we continue to do today.

Primo: (在当时办事空间)只是一个个的隔间,让你们在里面工作。并没有花很多心思放到空间的其他方面。我们以前把会议室叫做头脑风暴室。办公空间通常有办公室、会议室,或者加一个休息的地方。这些就是当时人们仅有的选择了。当我们在发展的过程中,我们意识到科技让我们可以在任何一个地方工作。这些可以工作的环境在哪里?整个园区都会是工作的地方,而不仅仅是你站着的地板,或是你工作的隔间。我们必须确保园区里、设备间所有这些地方都设置好,帮助你工作。同时工作我们是指所有在日常生活你所需要用到的不同的事物,打造绝佳的工作状态,不管是休息,或者社交,或者在早上打乒乓球,我们需要确保员工有这些选择,可以充分利用。办公空间变得更为活跃,因为它带给了人们完成工作所需要的一切。这是我们所专注的。 

Primo: It was just cubicles and getting a lot of people into space. There wasn’t a lot of thought put into the other areas of the space. We used to call conference rooms brainstorm rooms. Workplaces used to be offices and conference rooms and maybe a break area. Those were the only options people had. As we’ve grown we’ve realized technology has allowed us to work anywhere. Where are all of these opportunities to work? The campus really is your office now not just the floor you’re on or the cubicle you’re in. We need to make sure that all of these areas on the campus or in the facility are really set up to help you work. And by work we mean all of the different things that you use during that day to get to that moment of really great work, whether that’s resting, or socializing or playing ping pong in the morning we want to make sure that all of those options are there for the employee to take advantage of. The workplace has become more robust in terms of what it offers to people in order to get their work done. That’s what we focus on.



Uber Office (Photography by Jasper Sanidad courtesy of Studio O+A)


On their big break and their unique approach to design

Verda: 我们从业很久,所以很难具体指出某一个人,但是在早期,有一个广告公司叫做Cunningham Communications。 他们公司有很强的价值观,和他们合作设计代替性办公空间非常棒。Paypal在2005年鼓励我们设计不同的空间类型。很多人们所需要的小型私密空间、分组讨论会议室、迷你休息室和公共空间。

在这之后,我觉得我们最大的成就是Facebook第一个总部的设计。最令人兴奋的一点是该建筑有一段很有意思的历史,我们可以结合到设计中。我们可以结合场所感进行设计,这是前所未有的,同时我们可以把为 Paypal设计的经验结合到Facebook的设计中去。这是非常令人兴奋的。他们意识到这是一个临时的场所,同时他们的预算有限,但我们并不担心,这是一个非常有意思的项目,我们有机会去检验我们的很多理论。 

Verda: We’ve had a long career so it’s hard to pinpoint any one, but early on I’d say it was an ad agency called Cunningham Communications. They had such strong values in their firm, it was really great to work with them to build these alternative office spaces. Paypal really pushed us by using different typologies of spaces in 2005. How many small private offices, breakout rooms, mini lounge areas and town hall spaces someone might need.

After those I think our big breakthrough was Facebook’s first headquarters. What was exciting about that was that the building had a very interesting history which we were able to work with. We were able to work with a sense of place more than we had ever been able to before and take what we learned from Paypal and apply it to Facebook. It was really exciting. They knew this was a temporary space and they had a small budget but that didn’t faze us, it was just a really fun project in which we got to test a lot of our theories.

Primo : Facebook项目最为重要的一点是他们代表了新一代员工。文化和团队建设是比任何其他事情都重要的。在其他项目中,我们当然也意识到了这第一点,但公司方面并没有要求这是我们需要做的,或者需要提升和创造的。而在Facebook, 一切都是关于文化。我们的设计受到所有员工很大的影响。这或许是我们第一次和整个公司互动,去设计一个空间。在此之前,我们只听令于公司里面的一小部分人,这次反过来,我们去询问人们需要的是什么。了解了他们的需求后再进行设计。 



  Facebook Office (Photography by Jasper Sanidad courtesy of Studio O+A)

Primo: The thing that stands out the most about this project is that Facebook really represented a new generation of worker. Culture and building community was more important than anything else. In other projects we were certainly aware of that but it wasn’t mandated by the company that that’s what we needed to make work or improve or create. Whereas at Facebook it was all about culture. We designed it with a lot of influence from all of the employees. That may be the first time we got to interact with an entire company in order to design a space. Before it was dictated by a few people in a company, this turned around and asked what do the people want. Let’s get their take and then let’s design.

We were actually using their Facebook product to gather intentions on design, and we would post them daily in Facebook for feedback. We got real-time design feedback to design the space. Before, you didn’t do that, you worked with one or two people. We pulled the entire company into it. This was the start of a democratic design approach, which a lot of other companies then looked to once they became aware of Facebook’s facilities. They all began to want to show their facilities were collectively decided upon, to show employees that you’re not just a butt in a seat. You’re actually a part of this ecosystem. 


On their dream project

Verda: 我们现在在做的Uber项目就是一个理想项目。 我们合作得很愉快,同时他们能够帮助推进我们的设计。这就是可以检验完全个性化理论的客户。我们的理想项目就是能够拥有非常棒的客户——设计师合作过程,产生不可思议的设计成果,这就是我们现在和Uber合作所感受到的。我们希望日后可以拥有类似的客户,帮助推动人们工作的模式。

Verda: We’re working on a dream project right now with Uber. They are so in-line with how we work that we’re really able to push our design pretty far. This is the client where we’re testing the theory of complete customization. Our dream project is one where we have an incredible client-designer process that yields an incredible result and that’s what we’re getting with Uber. We hope to get these kind of clients in the future that push the envelope of how people work.

Primo: Facebook有很多设想,允许我们参与其中。我们喜欢有远见的客户,他们希望我们变成实现这些远见的一部分。我们很擅长做这个工作。我们有我们自己的设计美学和我们想要实施的感觉和做法,但是我们同时也知道必须考虑客户的需求。这需要收集他们的信息以及多方面的合作。如果我们有很好地输入,他们也有一定的远见,就可以做成好的设计。就是这个样子。

Primo: There was a lot of vision that Facebook allowed us to be a part of. We like clients that have a vision and who want us to be part of realizing that vision. We’re good at playing that part. We have our own design aesthetic and our own feel and approach that we like to employ but we also know that it’s about them. It’s about gathering their information and co-authoring every place. If we get really good input and they have a vision good design can happen. It’s really about that.


Uber Office (Photography by Jasper Sanidad courtesy of Studio O+A)


On the future of workplace architecture in the next 5–10 years

Verda: 我对个人办公空间能变得多小,及它是否会消亡很感兴趣。所以很多人,特别是年轻人,可以在任何地方工作。我对这些很好奇,这一情况会演变成什么样子,以及如何改变我们工作的物理环境。

Verda: I’m really interested in seeing how small the individual workplace can get and will it disappear. So many people, especially young people, it’s so easy for them to work anywhere. I’m curious to see how far that’s going to play out and how it changes the physical environment of our workplaces.

Primo: 我认为Verda是在描绘办公空间设计的一个方面,那就是你可以在任意一个地方工作。它并不意味着你需要呆在你的办公桌附近。我并不认为办公室会消失。我认为空间的利用会变得越来越有效。公司允许人们在不同的工作场合工作,比如合作工坊、在街上,很显然人们在国外、在旅途中工作。我认为在西海岸先行者创造了很多新的想法,同时在全美和全球迅速广泛传播。在5年内,办公室里充斥着“千禧一代”,工作方式也会很不一样。公司在逐渐了解这一点。如果他们没有合适的工作条件或空间,就难以成功。

Primo: I think Verda is describing on aspect of workplace design, which is that you can work anywhere. It doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to be at your desk. I do not believe the office is going away. I think we’re going to get more and more efficient with the footprint. Companies allowing work to take place in different places like co-working spaces, in the street, obviously people who work abroad and in-transit. I think the early-adopters on the West Coast are creating a lot of the new ideas but it’s spreading quickly throughout the United States and the world. In five years you’re going to have an office full of Millennials and you’re going to be working differently. Companies are becoming aware of this. If they don’t have the right working conditions or space they won’t be successful.

Verda: 工作和生活之间的共生关系会变成一个主要原因。它包括工作环境变得更为健康,无害。不仅仅在于环境的改变,也包括身体和心理的改变。

Verda: Working and living being more symbiotic is going to be a factor. That includes the work environment being healthier, less toxic. Not just environmentally but physically and mentally.


Yelp office


On advice they would give themselves at the beginning of their careers

Verda: 坦白讲我简直不敢相信我们公司目前的状态(笑)。这是令人难以置信的一段经历。我不敢相信我们现在的位置。如果我知道,在那时我会设想更多更宏大。我总是会保守些,这一点帮助我们度过一些困难时期,如果我知道我们现在的状况我会计划更多。这是一个令人难以置信的状态。

Verda: I am just blown away by where our firm is honestly! (laughs) It’s been an incredible ride. I can’t believe where we’re at now. If I had known I would have thought a lot bigger back then! I’ve always played it a little conservatively, which has helped us ride through a couple of recessions, but I had known where we would be at I would have planned! It’s an incredible place to be.



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