合宅 村子里的极简小清新

‘合宅’是本土九五后设计小生【新浪微博 @长不大的松子】为其奶奶 叔叔一家设计建造的三层住宅,坐落于河南省开封市近郊。



又通过楼梯 中庭 露台的一些空间产生一些连接。整个建筑从室内到室外都在追求极简主义。最为共鸣‘少即是多’的设计小生

【新浪微博 @长不大的松子】这座建筑即是人生处女座,又是二十岁的最好礼物,一年的建造时间,在和村民完全不同的价值观里


Zhai ‘is local 95 design niche [Sina microblogging @ little pine] the grandma uncle a design built a three storey house, is located in the suburbs, Kaifeng City, Henan Province.

Construction in order to cater to the local construction process behind the situation, the use of a square box of large outline, construction is simple, in the outer face of the effort, the use of multi window way to let the sun in different

Time period from different windows through the room, but also to ensure the fun of the facade. Family members also determine the relationship between the interior of a layer of the layout, life does not interfere with each other, but

And through the stairs atrium terrace of some space to produce some connection. The whole building from indoor to outdoor in the pursuit of minimalism. The design of niche is most resonant “less is more”

[Sina microblogging @ little pine] the building is Virgo life, is the best gift at the age of twenty, the construction time of a year, in view of the villagers and completely different value.

Adhere to their own design, although in the end due to various reasons, the project is still not very good to complete, but the basic function of life and the simple aesthetic needs or to be met.












The interior also maintained the minimalist style, large white and wood color to make the space appears more affinity
















施工中照片The construction of the photo


















