






我们可以看到“梵空架”深色木纹与宣纸有机玻璃材料配以铜制构建,赋予了一种独特的安静的力量,也许这个世界最大的奢华就是安静。 “梵空架”是一款多用途的组合型家具。不同尺度的物品,不同心情,不同的时间,通过变换层板,来寻找与生活中点滴的平衡。不只是功能与美观。

产品描述(英文):The word “Brahman” means “peace” and “silence”. “Emptiness” is one kind of feeling after the intervention of the people. “Flame” is a kind of tool. “Brahman flame” furniture means a quiet life. Designers hope that  “Brahman flame” should integrate into the natural life rather than jump out of people’s life.

“Brahman frame” is the peaceful minds and sudden enlightment as well as the ideas and careful measure.

“Brahman frame” is made from dsrk wood grain and rice paper organic glass materials with copper building, which  has a unique quiet strength.  Perhaps the biggest luxury in the world is quietness.”Brahman frame” is a multi-purpose combination furniture, which aims to find a little balance in your life with the assistance of different scales, different mood  and different time and through the transformation layer board. it is more than  functionality and aesthetics.