We plus 北京经开创意园设计竞赛 (二等奖)作品


自从“万众创业”成为一种自上而下的国家战略后,全国各地各种 “联合办公空间”如雨后春笋,遍地开花,正好赶上中国地产的瓶颈期,许多原本以纯销售模式难以为继的地产企业都开始转变模式做起了“众创空间”。但是,根据既往经验来看,凡是一窝蜂一拥而上扎堆做的概念,很快可能就会因为过剩过热而消亡。


Since“Everyone start your own business” has been a national encouraged policy, there are thousands of “creative space” booming everywhere around China. Eventually, this tendency come across with the decreasing of real estate development. A lot of developers transformed their “hard to sell” space into rental space and call it “associated working space”. However, according to the experience, if everyone rush into one business, it normally will lead to a fail for all. Therefore, our ambition to the “Beijing Jing Kai Creative Centre” is not only limited to the project itself, we consider it as a experiment for the typical phenomenon in the social transforming. There are two factors we concern: 1, The functional transformation of the old building. 2, How to make it unique among so many “creative centre”, to become a attractive place.






We remove all the internal division walls of the main building, leaving the basic structure only. The floor connecting the exhibition hall to the main building has also been taken out, while new functions have put in. Through these operations, we open up the enclosed space. The spirit of openness will be emphasized.






The lecture spaces have been plug in-between 2nd and 3rd floor, one is circular and the other is rectangular. The west wing of the building will be enclosed by curtain wall, making it into internal space. Part of the exhibition hall has been divided into 2 floors, the central hall is surrounded by small studios. The “movie community units” are insert into east wing of main building.



经过以上操作,同层之间形成无障碍的流动空间,同时层与层之间也以多个孔隙连接。人流可在平层、上下层之间自由流动。两个展厅部分的实体外墙打开,以透明玻璃幕墙取代之,形成通透的视线联系。 加之各种可自由变换的家具,真正实现了“共享、互动、公园式“的使用需求。

By the operation above, the fluid space has been formed within each floor and between different floors. The solid wall of the exhibitions halls will be replaced by glass. On the other hand, plenty of changeable furniture have been used every where, the demand for “share and communication” will be fulfilled.




All the furniture in the Creative Centre will be designed in the virtual space, and made by 3D plotter and laser cut. They will be prefabricated and being installed on site. They can be easily refreshed to suit the new demands. Part of the furniture are mix-free, the basic unit is 350x 350x700mm sized wood cubic shelf. They are both functional and space elements. People could use them to form working table, shelf, meeting table or even a bed.




The “lifted studios” are newly added steel structure facility. A series of terraces can be adjusted vertically. This lifted studio space is dynamic, the people working here will need to climb up and down, moving like our far ancestors. Working means a sort of “rock climbing”.







Two “air stages” have been put into the main hall, connecting the edge of the floor to the façade beams, they stick out from the elevation and can be seen from both outside and inside. This space will be rent to different groups of people. A series of performance will be held on the stage and they will be like movie screen at night.



Steel frame trampoline
The first floor of the hall as a tribute to the work of a leisure, both physical exercise, but also can vent emotions. The same set also has a pool table, gym and so on.



The multi-media Hall can be cinema or news releasing space. Film premieres, press releases, investor meetings, experimental plays and other activities will be held regularly in this space. The main hall is surrounded by movies studios, the people work on different part of movie work flow can communicate frequently. The ground floor of the space is dressing room and practice room. Varying from the traditional theatre space, the audience and the performers’ space are together, they can see each other here by the transparent walls.

















