

Choosing a suitable office is the first challenge that many entrepreneurial firms may come up with. Usually a micro entrepreneurial firm needs flexible space to accommodate uncertain staff. On one hand, renting a large office space in one step will tremendously add the newly established firms’ financial burden; On the other hand, if the company rents a relatively small office space, it may turn out to be too crowed when the company grows. What’s worse, there may be no space for meeting room, reception room and some other programs. What exactly should the entrepreneurs do to find their office ?


Underline是零壹城市建筑设计事务所(LYCS Architecture)设计并投资的一家具有多重功能的咖啡厅,项目位于杭州市中心的东部软件园内,园区内外汇集了大量的创业公司,周边租金不菲却几乎没有适合洽谈的场所。为了满足这些公司对于办公、会议和交流的需求,Underline通过空间的自由组合,可瞬间将单一功能的咖啡厅变身为Cafe+会议室或Cafe+办公室。

Underline is a multi-functional cafe which is designed and invested by LYCS Architecture. The project is located in the Eastern Software Park where lies in the center of Hangzhou. Although surrounded by highly-rent office buildings, there is no public space for communication or meeting in this area. To meet the companies’ needs of working, meeting and communicating, Underline could be changed immediately from a single-function cafe into a cafe + meeting room or cafe + office room through free combinations of its interior spaces .


为了使咖啡厅拥有更好的办公氛围,项目摒弃了传统咖啡厅花哨的设计,采用了简洁现代的设计手法。咖啡厅外墙采用了全玻璃幕墙与棋盘般的黑色窗框设计,幕墙上方的混凝土墙面安置了“underline”字样的LED logo,简明的设计使项目和谐的融入于周围环境中。

Instead of over-decorated design, the designers created a peaceful atmosphere for the cafe in a modern and concise way. The facade of the cafe is made of all-glass windows with chessboard-like black frames. The concrete walls above the facade are set with the LED logo of ‘underline’. The design is quite simple but ingeniously fits into the surrounding environment. 



In order to bring out a vivid effect, the designers decorated the large-scale black wall   with relaxing and humorous painting.



Space Ⅰ



The inner space is clean and tidy. Rows of Bookcases on the wall are made of wooden boards and metal sheets. Wooden tables with gray sofas are both comfortable and user-friendly.



Space Ⅱ



Elegant and different-height chairs in the middle of the dinning area bring lively elements into this friendly place. All the books on the shelves are put away backward. This setting brings orderliness to inner space, provides the customers surprises when they pick up one book as well.



Within the entirely bright-colored space, the black bar counter appears very outstanding in stark contrast with the dinning space.


空间变化 Ⅲ

Space Ⅲ



Exposed ceiling makes the cafe look higher, and also provides more possibility of the multi-functional configuration.



Space Ⅳ



Freely moving clapboards provide more possibilities for the space. With different combinations of clapboards, the whole big space is easily divided into four small spaces. At the same time, free combination of four small spaces also meet different functional requirements.   



Users can change the cafe into a classroom, an office room or a meeting room in one minute. Besides of space division, the clapboards can also turn into tools for creativity. People can write and draw on the clapboards, or use them as blackboards for lessons or brainstorming.



In spite of common usage for office, Underline can house various activities with its freely changeable inner space. These activities include road shows, movie screening, banquet  commercial party,etc. Besides, more ways of its space usage are going to be found out by the users. Thus, in Underline, users can costomized design thier exculsive space in a relative lower cost.







项目地点: 中国杭州
项目面积: 240平方米
项目周期: 2014(设计) 2015(施工并完工)


Project Name:Underline

Interior Design: LYCS Architecture

Location: Hangzhou, China

Design Team: RUAN Hao, HE Yulou, JIN Cheng, FU Li

Project Date: 2014 (Design)  2015 (Construction+Completion)

Size: 240sqm

Image Copyrights: LYCS Architecture