
Program: Museum Extension

Location: Jyvaskyla, Finland

Cover Area: 300m2

功能: 商店,库房等
地点: 于伟斯屈莱,芬兰
面积: 约300平方米


 Exterior of Extension 博物馆扩建室外


The Third Nature


Nature is a concept with mixed connotations. It refers to an environment that plants, animals and other features develop their own accord. Apart from that, architecture  elements can also be a kind of nature, just as Aalto’s practices describe  possibilities to build up physical spaces which tightly rooted in their contexts.



With  such understandings, we see this project implies an in-between position: on one  hand it links Aalto’s two museums; on the other hand it locates in an idyllic green area. This site-specificity reveals another layer beyond the two natures above: a third role of nature.




Masterplan 总平面


Continuous pathway


We  consider the new structure not simply as architectural object, but as  artificial landscape. What is proposed here is an open platform breathing  landscape in. The programs gently lean on the contours, not as hard wall, but  open terraces forming a continuous route. The form is a three-dimensional  translation to the water pools and the visual connection is therefore extended.  Through the pools, past the bushes, cross the rising stairs, after several  twist-and-turns, a piece of thick wooden grassland appears: a hidden refuge.




Axonometric Drawing 轴测图


Expose  the hidden


In  traditional museums, the public and technical programs are kept as isolated  parts. In this case, we see the space as a platform for exchange. Instead of  treating back-stage programs merely as hidden space and bury it under the  ground, we open it and visually connect it to public through sectional  operations. The museum collections and public can be interwoven. It is a shared  space where researchers, artists and public can be interacted. The collections  are not just artifacts and the visitors are not just passive consumers. They  become part of the cultural events.



Interior of Museum Shop 博物馆商店内景


Discover  geometry


Rather  than placing an intervention, we propose a medium to negotiate the  complexities. The new structure is supposed to work as linkage between Aalto Museum and Central Finland Museum: two distinctive volumes. We consider it  important to merge the three components into a whole but at the same time not  lose their identities. The curves are introduced to redefine the geometries  carefully. The stairs slope up and use their lengths to measure the gap. Their  levels relate to the difference levels of the floor plans of both old and new,  structuring tensions. The narrow space is expanded and becomes more readable.  The visitors will get more chances to touch both museums on different  altitudes, enriching their sensitivities on Aalto’s architecture and nature.




Ground Floor Plan 首层平面



First Floor Plan 二层平面



Elevation I 正立面


Elevation II 背立面


Section A-A 剖面A-A


Section B-B 剖面B-B