

摄 影 师:张     靖

设计公司:Sugar Man设计工作室

位      置:中国·乌鲁木齐

类      型:摄影  


标      签:China Urumqi


Erdaoqiao street, a red Lincoln from my side through, all eyes turned to the Lincoln.


十字路口有卖菜的大娘,在寒冷的冬季,大娘坐在地上。There are vegetables aunt crossroads, in the cold winter, she sat on the ground.


这是一位乌鲁木齐的安保人员,正在向我的镜头看过来,目光里有怀疑,有不安。This is a security personnel in Urumqi, is to look at my camera, there are doubts in the eyes, there is a.


在清真寺做背景的环境中,人物的内心情感能更好的从眼神中表达出来。In the background of the mosque to do the background, the character’s inner feelings can be better expressed from the eyes.


蓝色的清真寺,静与动,在平静中骚动,在动荡中寂静。Blue Mosque, quiet and dynamic, in the quiet of the turmoil, in the turmoil of silence.


蓝色清真寺前以为穿红衣服的女子匆匆走过。The woman in front of the Blue Mosque thought that the woman in the red dress was walking in a hurry.


蓝色清真寺前,一位老人带着孙子走过。Before the Blue Mosque, an old man with grandson walked.


姐弟俩在街头玩耍,弟弟的臭脾气让姐姐很无奈。Sister and brother in the street to play, brother’s bad temper so that my sister is very helpless.


一个人行走的穆斯林女孩儿A Muslim girl walking alone


由Sugar Man设计工作室(小糖人设计工作室)提供,



拍 摄 者:张        靖